General Rules 2025
1. Responsibility
- Every rider is responsible to read these rules word for word.
- It is YOUR responsibility to ensure your machine meets required specifications on race day. In the event that our tech inspector misses something and it is caught by anyone before the payout, you will forfeit the day's class entries/points.
- You must know you are class legal each race, which means both machine AND rider (includes age). "I didn't know" is NOT an excuse and will not fly on race day.
2. Age
- Riders under 18 years of age must have parental written consent on NWIRC Inc. waiver form-once per current race season.
- Parent/guardian must be present at the rider's first race of the season to sign waivers and must speak with officials.
- Any rider 13 and under must have a parent or guardian on site and present for sign-up EVERY RACE DAY, in addition to having a 2025 NWIRC Inc. waiver form signed.
- Riders must be 16 to compete in any class with the exception of Junior and Pee-wee.
- Any rider under 16 wanting to race in a higher class must be voted on and approved by board members.
3. Membership Fees
- $40.00 for one year per rider.
- You may choose to race without a membership in which case you are required to pay for a day pass. Cost is $20 for a one day pass. For the big money race at the end of the season, day pass price will be increased.
- Must have annual membership or one day pass to race on any given race day.
- Riders must have their annual membership card present at sign up each race day for proof of dues paid and waiver form signed. Class entry fees: See Class Rules
- NO memberships will be sold on final race of the season.
4. Scheduled Times
- Sign up is from 7:30-9:00 am
- Tech time 9:00-9:45 am
- Practice laps 9:00-10:15 am (you will NOT be allowed on track after 10:15)
- The running list will be posted near the starting line at 9:30 and racers will have until 10:00 to review and notify an official of any errors needing to be addressed. There will be NO CHANGES made after 10:00.
- Drivers meeting is at 10:30 sharp with racing to start immediately after. All machines must go through tech inspection every day before track entry, this includes practice.
- There will be absolutely NO entry refunds after 9:30. If you cannot race for any reason, please contact line workers by 8:55 am so they can radio registration. Failure to do so will result in forfeiture of your entry fees.
- A. Definition of stock chassis
- Any chassis that is not aftermarket. Must retain oem geometry.
- B. Classification of an ATV
- An engine-driven device which has a net weight of 900 pounds or less, which is originally manufactured with a width of 50" or less, which is equipped with a seat designed to be straddled by the operator and which is designed by the manufacturer to travel on 3 or more low-pressure tires.
- C. Classification of a Motorcycle
- A motorcycle is defined as a two wheeled, engine driven machine designed to be straddled. No side cars or outriggers allowed.
- A. Classification of Studs
- Studs are defined as a dished head ice racing-specific screw with a max head height of 3/16" or .189'' (ama legal) Sharpening is allowed. Pro Gold or Kold Kutter screws only.
- B. Classification of Rubber
- Rubber tires are classified as an non-studded rubber tire with no traction devices. Classes that prohibit the use of "pro-wedge" type tires also include the prohibition of "4-snow," "zipper" and "snow-mad" tires. 2wd only.
7. Motorcycle Fenders
- All studded motorcycles are required to have front and rear wrap around ice racing fenders.
- Fenders must be of sturdy construction and cover the full width of the tire, so that NO screws are visible when viewed head on.
- The front fender must cover all studs to a point not more than 2" higher than axle height when viewed from the front.
- The rear fender must extend from the top of the rear tire, to a point not more than 2" higher than axle height when viewed from the rear. Maximum allowed distance between fender and tire is 1".
8. Safety
- All racers must wear a full faced or motocross style helmet with eye protection.
- Chest protectors are required for all studded classes. Motocross boots are highly recommended, but not required.
- All quads, Junior classes and up, are required to have nerf bars. This is not a requirement for Pee-Wee Classes, but it is recommended.
- All quad racers must have a functioning tether switch that is securely fastened to the rider while they are riding.
- All two wheel drive ATVs must have a stock style front bumper (trikes exempt) and a rear grab bar.
- All studded ATVs must have functioning front and rear brakes.
- All rubber ATVs must have functioning rear brakes.
- Any racer caught using drugs or alcohol while racing will be disqualified for that day, the rest of the season, and forfeit all earned points.
9. DNR Compliance
- It is the rider's responsibility that his or her ATV and actions comply with all DNR rules and regulations, including the 96 db noise restrictions on all ATVs.
- The new DNR license plate law will not be enforced by the NWIRC, but is suggested.
10. Number Plates
- All ATVs MUST have 3 securely mounted front, rear, and left side, white plastic backed number plates with at least 8" tall black numbers. Maximum two digit numbers. Left side number plate must be mounted above front tire. Three wheelers must have left side number plate mounted somewhere on left fork. This rule is to promote correct scoring by points keepers. NO LETTERS ALLOWED unless designated by an NWIRC official (or sign-up official).
- All motorcycles MUST have front and left side white plastic backed number plates with at least 8" tall black numbers. 2 digit max unless approved by race officials.
- There will NO duplicate numbers allowed. Club Members will get 1st choice of numbers. If 2 club members have the same number, the number will go to the individual with the longest consecutively running membership. If you have questions, please see race official before races start. Check the results page for all riders in your classes for duplicate numbers.
- Number plates and numbers MAY be available for sale at the track on race day but it is your responsibility to have your own. Any plates not NWIRC legal will NOT be scored.
- If racer switches machines, they must take their number plates with them and mount them to the machine they are currently running.
- Failure to follow rules regarding number plates may result in inability to score and will result in forfeiture of points and awards for that race.
11. Heat or Moto Procedure
- Any class of 12 or less entries will typically run two motos. This number may vary slightly based on entry numbers.
- 1st moto line pick will be determined at random by CPU.
- 2nd moto line pick will be determined by the 1st moto finish.
- Points from both motos will be totaled to determine the winner of that class for that day.
- Ties will be broken by the highest finish in the second moto.
- Any class with 13 or more entries will typically run multiple heats with a consolation heat (LCQ) if needed. This number may vary slightly based on entry numbers.
- LCQ will run immediately before intermission.
- Number of riders that will advance to the final will be determined by the number of entries in that class on that given day.
- LCQ/Consolation flow chart: CLICK LINK TO VIEW EXAMPLE OF LCQ/CONSOLATION FLOW nwirc_lcq_flow_chart.pdf
12. Flagging Procedures
- In the event of an accident, the officials will determine if the race will be stopped (red flagged), or raced under caution (yellow flag).
- In the event of a yellow flag there is to be no passing in that area.
- In the event of a red flag, the race will be restarted on the starting line if one full lap is not completed. If one or more laps are completed, the riders will be started on the track and in single file in the order of last completed lap. Any racers involved in a red flag will be restarted in the second row or at the end of the line. Any racer who is responsible for 2 red flags in one race will be eliminated from that race.
- A black flag indicates rough, illegal, or dangerous racing, which indicates disqualification and immediate exiting of the track by that rider.
- A white flag will be waved when the first place rider is one lap from finishing the race.
- The checkered flag will end the race.
13. Starting Line Procedures
- The choice of position on the line will be determined by computer randomization.
- When all machines are staged and ready, riders must be prepared as the starting line cord can snap at any time.
- If a rider touches the cord, the race will be restarted and that racer will start in the back row with machine in neutral with a 3 second hold.
- It is the rider's responsibility to be at the line and ready to race on time for his or her race. If you have an issue with your machine, you must have someone present at staging for you prepared for line up. You will have until the final machine in your race is set up at the line to get your machine there. The race will start as soon as the final racer is lined up. If you are not present at that time, the race will start without you.
- No individuals are allowed to cross in front of the bungee cord during NWIRC competition unless they are NWIRC officials or designated line workers.
- No shoveling or sweeping at the starting line.
14. Machine Legality
- All machines must be class legal each time they pull up to the starting line or be subject to disqualification.
- A rider may change machines between races as long as the replacement machine is class legal and number plates are fixed to the new machine per established guidelines.
- Once a race is started, there can be no changing of machines. The start of the race will be defined as the first attempted start, even if it results in a complete restart.
15. Pit Racing
- A 5 mph max speed limit will be enforced in all pit and spectator areas, and within 100 feet of any person or structure. This is a Wisconsin state law.
- Any racer not in compliance will be disqualified and will forfeit their entry fees and/or points.
- Absolutely NO hot dogging.
- It is everyone's responsibility to report pit racing. NWIRC officials can't be everywhere, so help is needed to enforce this rule.
16. Noise Restriction
- No race engines are allowed to be started prior to 7:00 a.m. on race day.
- No racers are allowed on the race track on a machine prior to practice on race day, unless otherwise designated.
17. Season Points Scoring Procedure
- Points will be awarded every rider per class as follows:
- -10 points for 1st place
- -8 points for 2nd place
- -7 points for 3rd place
- -6 points for 4th place
- -5 points for 5th place
- -4 points for 6th place
- -3 points for 7th place
- -2 points for 8th place
- -1 point for 9th place and down
- If you start a final (leaving the starting line under machine's own power) and complete at least one lap, but do not finish you will be awarded one point, regardless the amount of racers.
- If a racer leaves the boundaries of the race track during a race, they must not gain any track position upon re-entering the race track, or will be disqualified.
- You must either work for points as described below or pay the opt out fee ($100/PeeWee racer and $200 all other racers) to qualify for season points. If you do not work your 2 shifts or pay the fee by the deadline you will forfeit your season points and any trophies or prizes associated with season winnings.
- Challenges to race position and points may be presented to the board by either Peewee or Junior parents of a child under 18 or directly from racers. You will have 1 week, until Saturday of the following race, to present a challenge. We are unable to review any past 1 week time.
18. Work requirement for season points
- All riders need to "work for points" twice to qualify for season points (no help, no trophy or $$). There will be chances for ALL riders to help.
- Pee-Wee Points, No racers under the age of 12 are required to work BUT the parents or guardians are required to help with 1 race per racer. This is to ensure that parents understand how it works and to keep the club moving forward.
- Work positions are on a "first come first served" basis and can be accessed using the sign up genius link on our home page.
- You do have the option to opt out of working for your season points by paying opt out fee of $100 for PeeWee racers or $200 for all other racers.
- ***This must be paid by the end of day on the first race of the season.
- Sign up will be open until week 4 (January 25) of the race season. You must sign up for your work positions prior to that date.
- If you sign up for a shift and are unable to keep your commitment, for whatever reason, it is YOUR responsibility to find a replacement worker for your shift.
- ***If you do not show up or do not complete your whole shift you will lose your points for that race and the season!!
19. Placement of riders
- Racers must compete in at least 50% of season races that were run to qualify for end of the year trophies.
- Overall points winners in the A, B and C classes will be bumped up to the next class the following season.
- Racers may choose to race up one class in a race.
- ***If you race up and place top 3 in that class, you will stay in that upper class and will not be allowed to race back down to the lower class.
- NWIRC officials have the right to move riders up and down classes as seen fit according to ability, age, and experience.
- If you are bumped by board decision based on rider ability, you will race the remainder of the season in your new class. You will be eligible for season points in your new class only. At the end of the season, your points over the remaining weeks(after being bumped) will be averaged to determine your point totals for the weeks prior to your bump.
20. Throw Out Races
- When season championship points are tallied, you will have 1 throw out race. (I.E. if we have 8 points races, we will count only your best 7 finishes).
- If you miss more than 1 race, all points accumulated will count towards your season championship points total.
- If you are disqualified at any race, for any reason, that race cannot be counted as your throw out race.
- There will be NO throw out race if we are unable to race a full season.
21. Mid-season Race
- Mid-season race will always be the fourth SCHEDULED race of the season. This is the tie-breaker.
- If the fourth race of the season is cancelled for any reason, the next race held will be the mid-season race.
22. Race Minimum
- There is a minimum requirement of 4 riders to run a race, including Junior and Pee-Wee.
- There may be exceptions to this, based on individual race/track needs and limits-will be at board's discretion.
23. Bumping
- If you are a B or C class racer wishing to race up to the next higher class- you are allowed to race up one class, but please note, if you place (take 1st, 2nd or 3rd) in one race in that upper class, you will be bumped up and stay in that upper class for the remainder of the season.
- NWIRC officials have the right to move riders up and down classes as seen fit according to racer ability, age, and experience. If you are bumped by board decision based on rider ability, you will race the remainder of the season in your new class. You will be eligible for season points in your new class only. At the end of the season, your points over the remaining weeks(after being bumped) will be averaged to determine your point totals for the weeks prior to your bump.
Any rules can be modified by majority vote of officials at anytime.
Any challenges are to be brought to the board's attention.
Decisions of the board are final.
2025 Class Running Order
- Studded UTV Round 1/Rubber UTV Round 2
- C-Pee Wee Rubber Quad
- Amateur Rubber Quad
- A-Studded Quad
- A-Junior Rubber Quad
- C-Studded Quad
- B Pee Wee Rubber Quad
- B-Junior Rubber Quad
- Pee Wee Studded Quad
- C-Rubber Quad
- Outlaw Pee Wee Studded Quad
- Open Studded Motorcycle
- Outlaw Rubber Quad
- B-Rubber Quad
- Junior Studded Quad
- A-Rubber Quad
- B-Studded Quad
- A- Pee Wee Rubber Quad
- Outlaw Rubber Trike (rotating weekly oval/GP)
- Open Studded Quad
- Pro Rubber Quad
- Super Trike
- Studded UTV FINAL may Run prior to GP races 1st round
- Pee Wee Studded GP
- Junior GP Rubber Quad
- Outlaw Pee Wee Studded GP
- C-GP Rubber
- Pee Wee GP Rubber Quad
- Amateur GP Studded Quad
- Junior GP Studded Quad
- B-GP Rubber
- Open GP Motorcycle
- A-GP Rubber
- Adult Pee Wee GP
- Open GP Studded Quad
- Pro GP Rubber Quad
- Junior Studded Motorcycle
- A-Pee Wee Motorcycle
- Amateur-Studded Motorcycle
- Junior GP Motorcycle
- Amateur GP Motorcycle
- 4x4 Utility
- Buddy Race (Only available at select races and racers MUST be 16 years or older to participate)
***All classes and class orders are subject to change. Please check each race for line up procedures. ***
Class Rules and Regulations 2025
Studded ATV- See Studded Classification
Open Studded Quad-Any studded 2wd ATV, lowering links and sway bars are mandatory. Nerf bars are mandatory. A riders only. "Run what you brung". 100% Payback-$150 minimum. $40 Entry fee
A-Studded Quad-Any studded 2wd ATV. Lowering links, sway bars, and nerf bars are mandatory. A and B riders only. 100% Payback-$100 minimum. $20 Entry fee
B-Studded Quad- Any two wheel drive studded ATV. Lowering links and sway bars are allowed. Nerf bars are mandatory. B riders only. $20.00 Entry Fee. 70% payback
C-Studded Quad- Any two wheel drive studded ATV. Motor must originate from that chassis. Must have a stock chassis including OEM A-arms, axle, and swingarm. Lowering links, widening and modified shocks are allowed. Sway bars are allowed. Nerf bars are mandatory. C riders only. $20.00. 60% Payback
Junior Studded Quad- Racers age 12-15. If a racer turns 16 during the season, they may complete that season. Any studded atv with a stock chassis, may be lowered, and an engine originating from that chassis. Nerf bars are mandatory. Any 150-400cc 4 stroke max, 85cc-250 cc 2 stroke max. Aftermarket exhaust allowed. 250 cc 2 stroke, 400 cc 4 stroke must have unmodified OEM airbox and lid. Aftermarket exhaust allowed. No hybrid over 150cc allowed. $10.00 Entry Fee. 50% payback.
Pee-Wee Studded Quad (Stock Class)-Racers age 12 or younger. If a racer turns 13 during the season, they may complete that season. Up to 90cc 2 stroke, 125cc 4 stroke. Cobras, Apex, Typhoons allowed. Motor must originate from that quad. No Too Fast Modifications. Sway bar, tires, gearing and widening only mods allowed. $10 entry fee. Trophy class.
Outlaw Pee-Wee Studded Quad-Racers age 12 or younger. If a racer turns 13 during the season, they may complete that season. Any studded quad up to 125cc 2-stroke, up to 150cc 4-stroke. Must have nerf bars, tether switch, sway bar. Widening, gearing, chassis mods allowed. $10 entry fee. Trophy Class.
Open GP Studded Quad – A and Open riders. Any two wheel drive studded ATV. Nerf bars are mandatory. $40.00 Entry Fee. 100% Payback-$150 minimum
Amateur GP Studded Quad – B and C riders. Any two wheel drive studded ATV. Nerf bars are mandatory. $20.00 Entry Fee. 80% Payback
Junior GP Studded Quad- Racers age 12-15. If a racer turns 16 during the season, they may complete that season. Any studded atv with a stock chassis, may be lowered, and an engine originating from that chassis. Nerf bars are mandatory. Any 150-400cc 4 stroke max, 85cc-250 cc 2 stroke max. Aftermarket exhaust allowed. 250 cc 2 stroke, 400 cc 4 stroke must have unmodified OEM airbox and lid. Aftermarket exhaust allowed. No hybrid over 150cc allowed. $10.00 Entry Fee. 50% payback.
Pee-Wee GP Studded Quad Racers age 12 or younger. If a racer turns 13 during the season, they may complete that season. Up to 90cc 2 stroke, 125cc 4 stroke. Cobras, Apex, Typhoons allowed. Motor must originate from that quad. Sway bar, tires, gearing and widening only mods allowed. $10 entry fee. Trophy Class.
Outlaw Pee-Wee GP Studded Quad-Racers age 12 or younger. If a racer turns 13 during the season, they may complete that season. Any studded quad up to 125cc 2-stroke, up to 150cc 4-stroke. Must have nerf bars, tether switch, sway bar. Widening, gearing, chassis mods allowed. $10 entry fee. 50% payback.
UTV Studded-Driver must be at least 16 years old. No Passengers. No objects protruding from machine (i.e. winch, plow mount). Half doors, roll cage, safety netting, lexan or arm restraint required. 4 point safety harness required. Snowmobile studs are not allowed. Screws must have single screw slot/minimum thread length 1"/maximum head height 5/16". Acceptable to sharpen screws to like new condition if dull (must maintain basic shape and function). Spacers are not allowed under screw head to increase head height. Screws may be tipped but remain in contact with tire. Rear lights required. NO nitrous. $20.00 Entry Fee. 80% payback-$150 minimum.
Rubber ATV- See Rubber Classification
Outlaw Rubber- Any un-studded ATV. Open tire rule. A and Pro riders only. Nerf bars are mandatory. 100% Payback. $20 Entry fee
**Shortened Swing arm allowed
Pro-Rubber- Any un-studded ATV. Open tire rule. A and Pro riders only. Nerf bars are mandatory. 90% Payback. $20 Entry fee
**Shortened Swing arm allowed
Amateur Rubber- Any un-studded ATV. No shortened swing arms. Open tire rule. A riders only. Nerf bars are mandatory. 80% Payback. $20 Entry fee
A-Rubber- Any un-studded ATV. No shortened swing arms. Open tire rule. Nerf bars are mandatory. A riders only. If you win the season, you are ineligible to run this class the following year. $20.00 Entry Fee. 80% Payback
B-Rubber- Any un-studded ATV. No shortened swing arms. Open tire rule. Nerf bars are mandatory. B riders only. NO Trikes. If you win the season, you are ineligible to run this class the following year. $20.00 Entry Fee. 70% Payback
C-Rubber- Any un-studded ATV with a stock chassis, lowering links allowed, no shortened swing arms, quickeners are allowed. Open tire rule. Beginner class/C class only. No Junior riders allowed in this class unless approved by the board. If you win the season, you are ineligible to run this class the following year $20.00 Entry Fee. 60% Payback. A photo ID will be required to race.
Pro GP Rubber Quad - Any un-studded ATV. Open tire rule. A and Pro riders only. Nerf bars are mandatory. $20.00 Entry Fee. 100% Payback.
**Shortened Swing arm allowed
A-GP Rubber Quad - Any un-studded ATV. Open tire rule. Open to A and Amateur riders. No shortened swing arm. Nerf bars are mandatory. $20.00 Entry Fee. 80% Payback
B-GP Rubber Quad - Any un-studded ATV. Open tire rule. Open to B riders. No shortened swing arm. Nerf bars are mandatory. $20.00 Entry Fee. 70% Payback
C-GP Rubber Quad - Any un-studded ATV. Open tire rule. Open to C riders. No shortened swing arm. Nerf bars are mandatory. $20.00 Entry Fee. 60% Payback.
Super Trike -225cc max-2/4 stroke. Rigid chassis (rear). No chassis mod-200x with shock delete. Stock swinger. Nerf bars and tether/ kill switch required. Motor must originate from chassis. $20.00 Entry Fee. 90% Payback
Outlaw Rubber Trike - 450 four stroke and 500 two stroke limit. "Run What You Brung". Nerf bars and tether/ kill switch required. Class for 16 years and older. $20.00 Entry Fee. 90% Payback
Junior Rubber A- EXPERIENCED racers age 12-15. It is up to board discretion to refuse entry into this class if not deemed appropriate. If a racer turns 16 during the season, they may complete that season. Any unstudded atv with a stock chassis and an engine originating from that chassis. No shortened swing arms. Quickeners and lowering links allowed. 300cc 4-stroke max, 250cc 2-stroke max. 301-400cc 4-strokes and aftermarket exhaust are allowed, however, must have unmodified OEM airbox and lid. Open tire rule. Nerf bars are mandatory. $10.00 Entry Fee. 50% payback.
Junior Rubber B-Racers age 12-15. If a racer turns 16 during the season, they may complete that season. B riders are NOT eligible to race GP. Any unstudded atv with a stock chassis and an engine originating from that chassis. No shortened swing arms. Quickeners and lowering links allowed. 300cc 4-stroke max, 250cc 2-stroke max. 301-400cc 4-strokes and aftermarket exhaust are allowed, however, must have unmodified OEM airbox and lid. Open tire rule. Nerf bars are mandatory. $10.00 Entry Fee. 40% payback. No Coats.
Junior GP Quad rubber - Racers age 12-15. Open to Junior Rubber A racers only. If a racer turns 16 during the season, they may complete that season. Any unstudded atv with a stock chassis and an engine originating from that chassis. No shortened swing arms. Quickeners and lowering links allowed. 300cc 4-stroke max, 250cc 2-stroke max. 301-400cc 4-strokes and aftermarket exhaust are allowed, however, must have unmodified OEM airbox and lid. Open tire rule. Nerf bars are mandatory. $10.00 Entry Fee. 50% payback.
Pee-Wee Rubber Quad A- (Experienced class) 110cc max. Racers age 12 or younger. If a racer turns 13 during
the season, they may complete that season. Motor must originate from that quad. Box stock class no engine or chassis modifications allowed. No flat track tires allowed. Max tire size, 20-7-8. Front steer tire up to 21" allowed. Tire cutting is NOT ALLOWED however can be squared. This class is for more experienced Pee-wee racers. $10 entry fee. 50% payback
Pee-Wee Rubber Quad B-(Intermediate class)- 110cc max. Racers age 12 or younger. B Riders are NOT eligible to race GP. If a racer turns 13 during the season, they may complete that season. Motor must originate from that quad. Box stock class, no engine or chassis modifications allowed. No flat track tires allowed. Max tire size, 20-7-8. Front steer tire up to 21" allowed. Tire cutting is NOT ALLOWED however can be squared. $10 entry fee. Trophy Class
Pee-Wee Rubber Quad C- (Beginning Class) 110cc max. Racers age 5-8. C Riders are NOT eligible to race GP. If a racer turns 9 during the season, they may complete that season. Motor must originate from that quad. Box stock class, no engine or chassis modifications allowed. No flat track tires allowed. Max tire size, 20-7-8. Front steer tire up to 21" allowed. Tire cutting is NOT ALLOWED however can be squared. $10 entry fee. This is a Non-point Ribbon only Class. No coats.
Pee-Wee GP Rubber- (Experienced class A riders only) 110cc max. Racers age 12 or younger. If a racer turns 13 during
the season, they may complete that season. Motor must originate from that quad. Box stock class no engine or chassis modifications allowed. No flat track tires allowed. Max tire size, 20-7-8. Front steer tire up to 21" allowed. Tire cutting is NOT ALLOWED however can be squared. This class is for more experienced Pee-wee racers. $10 entry fee. 50% payback.
Adult Pee-Wee GP Rubber Quad - 110cc max. Rider must be 16 years of age or older as of January 1st of a given race season to participate. Motor must originate from that quad. No chassis mods allowed. No flat track tires allowed. Max tire size, 20-7-8. Front steer tire up to 21" allowed. Tire cutting is NOT ALLOWED however can be squared. $20.00 Entry Fee. 70% Payback.
Rubber UTV/Side by Side- “Run What You Brung” Helmets required (no exceptions) Anything goes, co-pilot ok. Must have 3 number plates, one in front, one on left side, one on the back, must be white plates with no more than 2 black numbers. $20.00 Entry fee, 80% Payback.
4x4 Utility Class- “Run What You Brung” Helmets required. Anything goes. Must have 3 number plates, one in front, one on left side, one on the back, must be white plates with no more than 2 black numbers. Must have stock footwells or nerf bars and must have tether cord. $20.00 Entry fee, 60% Payback. Non-Points class.
Studded Motorcycle
Open Studded Motorcycle- “Run What You Brung”. Any studded motorcycle with a maximum 500cc two stroke max or 450cc four stroke engine. A+ Riders only. 100% Payback. $20 Entry fee ***BIKE CLASSES WILL BE COMBINED IF NUMBERS DO NOT SUPPORT INDIVIDUAL CLASSES ON RACE DAY**
Amateur-Studded Motorcycle- Any studded motorcycle with a maximum 250cc two stroke max or 450cc four stroke engine. B and C riders only. 70% Payback ***BIKE CLASSES WILL BE COMBINED IF NUMBERS DO NOT SUPPORT INDIVIDUAL CLASSES ON RACE DAY**
Junior Studded Motorcycle- Racers age 15 or younger. If a racer turns 16 during the season, they may complete that season. Studded motorcycles 85cc 2 stroke, and 150cc 4 stroke. 50% payback
A-Pee-Wee Motorcycle- Racers age 12 and younger. If a racer turns 13 during the season, they may complete the season. 65cc 2-stroke, 110cc 4-stroke max. $10 Entry Fee. Trophy class.
B-Pee-Wee Motorcycle- Racers age 10 or younger. If a racer turns 11 during the season, they may complete that season. 50cc max. No engine or chassis modifications allowed. $10 Entry Fee. Trophy Class
Open GP Studded Motorcycle – Any studded motorcycle with a maximum 500 cc two stroke or 450cc four stroke engine. A and open riders only. $20.00 Entry Fee. 100% Payback ***BIKE CLASSES WILL BE COMBINED IF NUMBERS DO NOT SUPPORT INDIVIDUAL CLASSES ON RACE DAY**
Amateur GP Studded Motorcycle – Any studded motorcycle with a maximum 250 cc two stroke or 450cc four stroke engine. B and C riders only. $20.00 Entry Fee. 80% Payback ***BIKE CLASSES WILL BE COMBINED IF NUMBERS DO NOT SUPPORT INDIVIDUAL CLASSES ON RACE DAY**
GP Studded Junior Motorcycle - Racers age 15 or younger. If a racer turns 16 during the season, they may complete that season. Studded motorcycles 65cc 2 stroke, and 150cc 4 stroke max. $10.00 Entry Fee. 50% payback